Liposomal vitamin for body protection
Liposomal vitamin for body protection
The dietary supplement Glutathione 50 has an anti-inflammatory effect. Its use is recommended for protection against chronic diseases associated with aging.
Stress and the intake of carcinogenic substances are at a higher level in our lives than ever before. Glutathione protects the integrity of your cells, tissues, and organs, thereby playing an important role in the defense against chronic diseases associated with aging. Glutathione is key to detoxification, neutralizes toxins in your body, and protects against the harmful effects of radiation, chemicals and environmental pollutants.
It improves the functioning of the immune system, has a protective effect on the nervous system, increases the body's resistance to infections, can speed up recovery from illnesses, and increases the body's energy level and vitality. Glutathione levels decrease significantly due to disease, infection, stress, poor nutrition, environmental pollution, poisoning, and aging. Glutathione deficiency can be associated with many diseases: immune system disorders, nervous system problems, autoimmune processes, lack of energy, insufficient detoxification function, muscle weakness, inflammatory conditions, and malignant changes in cells.
Try the only capsule liposomal vitamin on the market that helps fight against chronic diseases!
It is recommended to use:
- For the optimal functioning of the immune system , to promote the effective reduction of inflammation
- In defense against various infections
- In the prevention of malignant processes
- In promoting liver detoxification processes
- In support of the nervous system
- For major cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure
- In case of lung diseases
- Liposomal L-glutathione 50 mg
L-glutathione: An antioxidant naturally present in the human body. Its adequate presence can delay oxidation processes, so it plays an important role against graying, for example. As long as an adequate amount of antioxidants is present in the body, it may be able to break down hydrogen peroxide and thus prevent the bleaching of hair and follicles.
Liposomal L-glutathione
50 mg active ingredient
30 capsules
Choose the innovative solution of liposome technology available in allergen-free, vegan, recycled packaging! Order today!
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Gyakran ismételt kérdések
Mi a liposzóma?
Mikroszkópikus méretű, 20-30 nm átmérőjű foszfolipid kettős membránnal rendelkező gömbszerű, belülről üreges részecske, ami nagy hatékonysággal képes a hatóanyagokat a célsejthez vagy célszövethez szállítani.
Hogyan működik? Miért hatékony a liposzómás technológia?
Nanotechnológiás eljárás segítségével a hatóanyagokat liposzómákba zárják, így minimalizálják az emésztőrendszerbe jutás során fellépő bomlás miatti veszteséget. A célsejthez való eljutáskor a liposzóma összekapcsolódik a sejtmembránnal így közel 100% a biohasznosulás. A technológia segítségével nagymértékben csökkenthető az egyéb szervek (pl. máj) terhelése is.