Liposomal vitamin with citrus for chronic ailments
Liposomal vitamin with citrus for chronic ailments
Hesperidin plant-derived dietary supplement with grapefruit extract for a healthy vascular system and a resilient body. Its use is recommended to reduce high blood pressure, prevent circulation problems and varicose veins.
With Hesperidin 100, a dietary supplement containing grapefruit extract, you can fight stress more easily. A stressful, rushed lifestyle can lead to unwanted changes such as deteriorating health and mental status, or decreased stamina. Our liposomal product can help you overcome oxidative stress, thus improving your well-being and quality of life. In addition, hesperidin can have countless positive physiological effects, such as reducing inflammation and dilating blood vessels. Try the only capsule liposomal vitamin on the market, which has a vasodilating and antioxidant effect!
It is recommended to use:
- In case of high blood pressure
- To prevent inflammation
- In case of a sedentary lifestyle
- To prevent circulation problems
- In case of venous complaints
- In case of recurrent symptoms and complaints
- To relieve premenstrual pains
- Liposomal hesperidin from grapefruit extract 100 mg
The active ingredient is obtained from the peel of citrus fruits. The fiber content of Hesperidin 100 is outstanding, which helps digestion and the elimination of toxins from the body. In addition to its high content of vitamins C, B and A, it also has an antibacterial effect, so it helps your body fight inflammation and infections. But it also has a healing effect, as it also has a very high potassium content, which supports the removal of waste from your blood, thus regenerating your liver.
Liposomal hesperidin from grapefruit extract
100 MG active ingredient
30 capsules
Choose the innovative solution of capsule liposome technology available in allergen-free, vegan, recycled packaging! Order today!
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Gyakran ismételt kérdések
Mi a liposzóma?
Mikroszkópikus méretű, 20-30 nm átmérőjű foszfolipid kettős membránnal rendelkező gömbszerű, belülről üreges részecske, ami nagy hatékonysággal képes a hatóanyagokat a célsejthez vagy célszövethez szállítani.
Hogyan működik? Miért hatékony a liposzómás technológia?
Nanotechnológiás eljárás segítségével a hatóanyagokat liposzómákba zárják, így minimalizálják az emésztőrendszerbe jutás során fellépő bomlás miatti veszteséget. A célsejthez való eljutáskor a liposzóma összekapcsolódik a sejtmembránnal így közel 100% a biohasznosulás. A technológia segítségével nagymértékben csökkenthető az egyéb szervek (pl. máj) terhelése is.